Founded in 1996 MAZ Technologies, Inc. has developed, marketed and sold its patented IntelliGard security software to Fortune 100 companies.
It later licensed its entire security and biometrics patent portfolio comprising of 6 USPTO issued patents worldwide to some of the biggest
names in the software business.
IntelliGard Technology Patented Features and Strengths:
• Ease of Use
• Minimal User Training
• Algorithm Independent
• Security and Biometrics Technology Independent
• Open Interface Design
• Rapid Development
• Custom Configuration
US 6185681 BI
Method of transparent encryption and decryption for an electronic document management system
US 7096358 B2
Encrypting file system
US 7865728 B2
Biometric encryption and decryption
US 8359476 B2
User authentication system and method for encryption and decryption
US 8762713 B2
User authentication system and method for encryption and decryption
US 20140250304 A1
User Authentication System and Method for Encryption and Decryption